Vertical Market Performance
Evaluate performance across key vertical markets and compare against publishers throughout the country.
- Over 20 Vertical Markets
- Market Allocation %
- National Benchmark %
- Digital, ROP and FSI Performance
- Organizational Strategy
- Capture New Revenue

Opportunity Ranking - Am I getting my share?
View market performance alongside location information and opportunity. What revenue should my publications get that other publishers are already receiving?
- Brick and Mortar Locations in a Market
- Nationwide Brands
- National Opportunity Ranking for Digital, ROP and FSI
- Uncover Brands Advertising with other Publishers
- Prioritize Opportunities for Revenue
- Expand relationships with underperforming Advertisers

Multi-Market Performance - Am I maximizing my current relationships?
Evaluate multiple markets for consistency and opportunity. Perfect for centralized national teams.
- Market consistency – uncover revenue
- Locations lead to New Revenue
- Multi-Market revenue for Digital
- View Revenue and Opportunity in Single Dashboard
- Perfect for Local and Regional Sales Leaders
- Uncover $Millions in untapped revenue

Key Performance Metrics - How does your organization score?
Evaluate performance against opportunity.
- Overall Market Penetration
- Organizational Performance
- Isolate Digital, ROP and FSI
- Determine National/Local client strategy
- Sales Management Accountability
- Reorient your organization for huge top line growth